Some Librarian Love

It is always nice to get appreciative comments on the Ministry’s work, but when Wellington ran across this mention he had to have a sit down an a cuppa.

You see, there are three pillars in our dear archivist’s world; the British Library (you can see pictures here), the Library of Congress in Washington DC, and the venerable New York City Public Library.

So when Jenny Baum of the New York City Library wrote

More recently, the novel, Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris, available from the Library in both paperback and ebook formats, caught my eye. One of the authors, Pip (Philippa), has her degree in Library and Information Science and “found herself working in the magical world of libraries where she stayed for over a decade.” This novel really does transport you to a world of beautiful libraries, and you can picture it being written on a steamtop computer.

Wellington really did need a moment.

If you have not visited this beautiful library, then please do go if you have a chance. Libraries provide information and knowledge to everyone, and in particular those that might not be able to access it. Their beauty is not just physical….

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