Verity Fitzroy and The Mystery of Emerald Flame

We’re very excited to continue the story of the Ministry Seven, as they unravel ancient mysteries, and run into a few familiar characters. Out now on ebook exclusive to Amazon and Kindle Unlimited, we hope you enjoy the second book of Verity Fitzroy and the Continue Reading

Verity Fitzroy and Her Adventures

September 30th, the ebook of The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh will arrive, and with it the first novel of Verity Fitzroy and the Ministry Seven. Shortly after it will be in print and audiobook versions. Right now, her previous adventures in short story form are Continue Reading

Tally Ho! A New Year with the Ministry

Well last year was a gallop for us here at the Ministry. We launched book four from our journalists, Tee Morris and Pip Ballantine, The Diamond Conspiracy. We picked up best steampunk from the RT Convention in Dallas for Dawn’s Early Light. We started and Continue Reading