Cover Reveal- The Ghost Rebellion

So here we are, with the first of the fruits of the Kickstarter we funded last year. Backers will be getting their copies in May, but the book will be available to the general public on June 8th. What’s more, you can pre-order the ebook Continue Reading

Happy Birthday, Verena Vorstaz!

Oh I say! Today, the Ministry celebrates a very special birthday! Verena Vorstaz (also known as V for Cosplay) surprised our journalists with a series of photographs and moving picture clips of an uncanny Eliza D Braun cosplay. Verena is a talented cosplayer, runway model, Continue Reading

Wherein Our Intrepid Journalists Make New Friends Overseas: The Books & Braun Germany Premiere

As we reported from the Ministry ætherblog, Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel (released under the title, Books & Braun: The Sign of the Phoenix) has been released in Germany. Breaking barriers of language, distance, and improper references, our intrepid journalists Pip Ballantine Continue Reading

A Steampunk Book Trailer from Imagine That! / Baldgroove / Brute Force Studios

Currently on, our journalist is busy revealing a behind-the-scenes look at his project within a project. As many of you know, our intrepid journalist collaborated with Baldgroove studios in the previous year to produce a right bit of fun — the Phoenix Rising book Continue Reading

The Kaiser Calls: A Look at Phoenix Rising’s German Cover

Good Heavens! As if it is not enough that our illustrious publishers at Harper Voyager have decided to offer our award-winning adventure at a mere pittance of 99¢ for your reading pleasure (and for a limited time) but our dear friend and ally from Europe, Continue Reading